V4561983-0100 V4559856


ALSTOM V4561983-0100 V4559856 appears to be a product code or identifier specific to ALSTOM (which may refer to the products of Alstom AG or one of its subsidiaries). However, no direct product information is available because this is not a publicly available generic product code. Alstom is a global diversified industrial group with a focus on the energy, transport and infrastructure sectors, so its products may span multiple sectors.
This code may belong to a specific Alstom product family, which may include multiple models and configurations to meet different application needs.
High performance
Easy to maintain
Environmental friendliness
Innovative design
Category: Tag:


ALSTOM V4561983-0100 V4559856 appears to be a product code or identifier specific to ALSTOM (which may refer to the products of Alstom AG or one of its subsidiaries). However, no direct product information is available because this is not a publicly available generic product code. Alstom is a global diversified industrial group with a focus on the energy, transport and infrastructure sectors, so its products may span multiple sectors.
This code may belong to a specific Alstom product family, which may include multiple models and configurations to meet different application needs.
High performance
Easy to maintain
Environmental friendliness
Innovative design
The role of the product will vary according to its design and application field. For example, it may be used in areas such as power generation, transmission, distribution, rail transport or urban infrastructure.
The use will depend on the specific type and functionality of the product. For example, it may be used for:
The generation, transmission, or distribution of electricity in a power system
Signaling or power supply equipment in a railway or urban mass transit system
Automation and control systems in the industrial or infrastructure sector
Application field
The field of application also depends on the specific type and function of the product. Possible application areas include:
Energy sector (e.g. power, oil & Gas)
Transportation industry (e.g., rail, metro, road and air)
Infrastructure (e.g. Bridges, tunnels, roads and buildings)