

Parameters and Specifications:

Processor: Motorola PowerPC 603e.
Clock Rate: 266MHz.
Memory: Maximum of 128MB SDRAM.
Interfaces: Ethernet, SCSI, Serial, etc..

Dimensions and Weight:

Size: 6U VME single slot.
Weight: Approximately 2.3kg or 2.4lb, depending on the source.

Category: Tag:


Parameters and Specifications:

Processor: Motorola PowerPC 603e.
Clock Rate: 266MHz.
Memory: Maximum of 128MB SDRAM.
Interfaces: Ethernet, SCSI, Serial, etc..

Dimensions and Weight:

Size: 6U VME single slot.
Weight: Approximately 2.3kg or 2.4lb, depending on the source.


High Performance: Based on MC68EC040 microprocessor and supports VMEbus standard.
Multiple I/O Interfaces: Including two serial ports (EIA-232-D and EIA-232-D/EIA-530) and six timers with counters.
Communication Protocols: Supports Ethernet, fiber channel, and other protocols for high-speed and large-capacity data transmission.
High Reliability and Stability: Suitable for various industrial automation and control applications.
Modular, Scalable, Portable, and Interoperable: Follows the principles of open computing.