
Motherboard system information: The module is equipped with Intel(R) Atom D2550 Atom processor, the main frequency is 1.86GHz, and the second-level cache is 1MB. The system chip is Intel D2550+NM10, uses Award BIOS, and supports ACPI. It is also equipped with a Type II CF card slot as an electronic disc.
I/O interface: The IS200RAPAG1B supports MINI PCIE ports, SATA/IDE ports, and USB ports, and also provides a variety of interface options such as parallel ports and serial ports to meet different connection requirements.
GPIO port: Provides an 8-bit GPIO port with four inputs and four outputs.

Size and weight:

Size: Its size is 100*260mm.
Weight: Approximately 0.13 kg.



Parameters and specifications:

Motherboard system information: The module is equipped with Intel(R) Atom D2550 Atom processor, the main frequency is 1.86GHz, and the second-level cache is 1MB. The system chip is Intel D2550+NM10, uses Award BIOS, and supports ACPI. It is also equipped with a Type II CF card slot as an electronic disc.
I/O interface: The IS200RAPAG1B supports MINI PCIE ports, SATA/IDE ports, and USB ports, and also provides a variety of interface options such as parallel ports and serial ports to meet different connection requirements.
GPIO port: Provides an 8-bit GPIO port with four inputs and four outputs.

Size and weight:

Size: Its size is 100*260mm.
Weight: Approximately 0.13 kg.



Rack Power Board: The IS200RAPAG1B is a rack power board designed for use in an innovative family of racks and includes a parallel bus host processor.
LED indicator: There are two LED indicators on the board, namely IPOK and MPOK, to indicate the power supply and motherboard status.
Reset switch: The board is also equipped with a reset switch for easy reset operation.