PR9268707-000 9200-06211n


‌ Weight ‌ :

In the search results, there are different accounts of the weight of PR9268707-000 9200-06211n. One says that the net weight of the product is 2.3 kg, while another mentions that the weight is 0.8 kg

‌ function ‌ :

The function of PR9268707-000 9200-06211n May vary depending on the specific model and application scenario. Depending on the search results, it could be a power control device, a displacement sensor3 or a vibration sensor



‌ Specifications ‌ :

The PR9268707-000 9200-06211n is a specific model produced by the EPRO brand and may fall under the processor module or sensor category.

‌ Weight ‌ :

In the search results, there are different accounts of the weight of PR9268707-000 9200-06211n. One says that the net weight of the product is 2.3 kg, while another mentions that the weight is 0.8 kg

‌ function ‌ :

The function of PR9268707-000 9200-06211n May vary depending on the specific model and application scenario. Depending on the search results, it could be a power control device, a displacement sensor3 or a vibration sensor

‌ parameter ‌ :

The parameters of the product may include the operating voltage (such as 220V), the output frequency (such as 30kHz3 or 50kHz), the measurement range (such as the vibration sensor may measure 10-1000Hz mechanical vibration), and so on.

‌ Size ‌ :

Specification 263337


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