Parameters and specifications
Signal output: 3.6A
Weight: 1.2kg
Input and output voltage range: 20-90ACdc
Power: 240VDC
Internal variable: 5252
Product certification: HE693ADC410A, value is 12.052.052
Size and weight
Weight: 1.2kg
The HE693ADC410A is a product model from General Electric that belongs to its family of control racks or system modules.
Security: HE693ADC410A utilizes ICS (Industrial Control System) monitoring to enhance the security of industrial control systems.
How the light isolator works: The light isolator in the HE693ADC410A rotates the light in a non-reciprocal manner, ensuring that no light is scattered or reflected back at the input.
Distributed Control System (DCS) : Although the HE693ADC410A is itself a module, the DCS distributes control tasks between multiple controllers, such as the HE693ADC410A, allowing for immediate monitoring and control of various plant processes.
Industrial Automation: HE693ADC410A is an important component of industrial automation systems that may be used in data acquisition and control systems for a variety of industrial facilities such as pharmaceuticals, refineries, chemical plants and petrochemical plants.
Optical communication: In optical communication systems, the optical isolators in the HE693ADC410A help to reduce signal loss due to reflection.
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