The GE IC200CPUE05-CG is a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) CPU module manufactured by GE (General Electric). Here is a brief overview of its parameters, specifications, dimensions, weight, series, features, and applications in English:
Parameters and Specifications:
Dimensions (W x H x D): 126 x 128 x 69.1 mm
Power Requirements: 5V with 220mA and 3.3V with 570mA
Floating-point Capability: Yes
Boolean Execution Speed: 0.8 ms/K (typical)
Real-time Clock Accuracy: 100ppm (0.01%) or ±9 seconds/day
Communications: Supports RS-232, RS-485, and Ethernet
Configurable Memory: Up to 64K bytes
Ethernet Data Rate: 10Mbps (half- or full-duplex)
Ethernet Port: RJ-45, UTP
Number of Server Connections: 8
Number of Exchanges on EGD Configuration: 32
EGD Exchange Limitations: 100 data per exchange, 1400 bytes of data per exchange
EGD Time Synchronization: Yes, using NTP
Configuration Upload from PLC to Programmer: Yes
UDP-based Remote Station Manager: Yes
Local Station Manager (RS-232): Through CPU Port 1#